Specification for Archival Information Packages


I. Aim of the Specification

This document is one of several related specifications which aim to provide a common set of usage descriptions of international standards for packaging digital information for archiving purposes. These specifications are based on common, international standards for transmitting, describing and preserving digital data. They also utilise the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), which has Information Packages as its foundation. Familiarity with the core functional entities of OAIS is a prerequisite for understanding the specifications.

The specifications are designed to help data creators, software developers, and digital archives to tackle the challenge of short-, medium- and long-term data management and reuse in a sustainable, authentic, cost-efficient, manageable and interoperable way. A visualisation of the current specification network can be seen here:

OAIS Entities

Figure I: Diagram showing E-ARK specification dependency hierarchy. Note that the image only shows a selection of the published CITS and isn’t an exhaustive list.

Overview of the E-ARK Specifications

Common Specification for Information Packages (E-ARK CSIP)

This document introduces the concept of a Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP). The main purposes of CSIP are to:

Ultimately the goal of the Common Specification is to reach a level of interoperability between all Information Packages so that tools implementing the Common Specification can be adopted by institutions without the need for further modifications or adaptations.

Specification for Submission Information Packages (E-ARK SIP)

The main aims of this specification are to:

Specification for Archival Information Packages (E-ARK AIP)

The main aims of this specification are to:

Specification for Dissemination Information Packages (E-ARK DIP)

The main aims of this specification are to:

Content Information Type Specifications (E-ARK CITS)

The main aim of a Content Information Type Specification (CITS) is to:

The number of possible Content Information Type Specifications is unlimited. For a list of existing Content Information Type Specifications see the DILCIS Board webpage (DILCIS Board, http://dilcis.eu/).

II. Organisational Support

This specification is maintained by the Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standards Board (DILCIS Board, http://dilcis.eu/). The role of the DILCIS Board is to enhance and maintain the draft specifications developed in the European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation Project (E-ARK project, http://eark-project.com/), which concluded in January 2017. The Board consists of eight members, but no restriction is placed on the number of participants taking part in the work. All Board documents and specifications are stored in GitHub (https://github.com/DILCISBoard/), while published versions are made available on the Board webpage. The DILCIS Board have been responsible for providing the core specifications to the Connecting Europe Facility eArchiving Building Block https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/eArchiving/.

III. Authors & Revision History

A full list of contributors to this specification, as well as the revision history, can be found in the Postface material.

E-ARK Archival Information Package (AIP)

Specification for Archival Information Packages

Version: 2.2.0

Date: 2024-05-17

1. Scope and purpose
2. Relation to other documents
3. Introduction
4. Definitions and remarks
4.1. Version and generation of an AIP
5. AIP format
5.1. AIP specific structural metadata (METS)
5.1.1. Node level: mets root
5.1.2. Node level: metsHdr
5.1.3. Node level: dmdSec
5.1.4. Node level: amdSec
5.1.5. Compound vs. divided package structure
5.1.6. Life-cycle of information packages organised in parent-Child relationship
5.1.7. METS identifier Structural map of a divided METS structure
5.1.8. Metadata representation of the AIP structure Child AIP references parent AIP Parent AIP references child AIPs
5.2. AIP preservation metadata
5.2.1. PREMIS object File format Storage Relationship
5.2.2. PREMIS event Event identifier Link to agent/object Migration event type
5.2.3. PREMIS agent
5.3. Physical Container Packaging
5.3.1. Naming of the AIP archive file
5.3.2. Packaging OCFL
6. Appendices
6.1. Appendix A: METS Examples
6.1.1. METS referencing representation METS files
6.1.2. METS describing a representation
6.1.3. PREMIS.xml describing events on package level
6.1.4. PREMIS.xml describing migration events (representation level)
6.2. Appendix B: E-ARK Information Package METS Example
6.2.1. Example 1: Example of a whole METS document describing an archival information package (database example).
6.3. Appendix C: External Schema
6.3.1. E-ARK SIP METS Extension
6.4. Appendix D: External Vocabularies
6.4.1. OAIS Package type
6.4.2. dmdSec status
6.5. Appendix E: E-ARK SIP Metadata Requirements
6.5.1. E-ARK AIP METS Profile Requirements

1. Scope and purpose

To briefly recall the three types of information packages as defined by OAIS [@OAIS2012], there is the Submission Information Package (SIP) which is used to submit digital objects to a repository system; the Archival Information Package (AIP) which allows the transmission of a package to the repository, and its storage over the long-term; and the Dissemination Information Package (DIP) which is used to disseminate digital objects to the requesting user.

This document is specification of the E-ARK Archival Information Package format (E-ARK AIP, subsequently referred to as AIP). It defines requirements and guidelines for creating AIPs which are adequate to store information packages for the long term. The key objectives of this format are to:

2. Relation to other documents

This specification document originates from the document “D4.4 Final version of SIP-AIP conversion component (Part A: AIP specification)” [@e-ark-d4.4] created in the E-ARK project (European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation) which ran from 2014 to 2017 and was funded by the European Commission as part of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research.

The common requirements for all types of E-ARK information packages are defined by the “Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP) [see @csip-2.0.0-DRAFT]”.

Further documents which are related to the AIP specification in a general sense are listed in the CSIP (section 1.4 “Relation to other documents”).

3. Introduction

The AIP format defines an information package for storing archival content that is going to be transferred to a repository for long-term preservation purposes. The AIP format allows keeping a record of changes that are applied to an AIP in form of metadata edits, digital preservation measures (e.g. migration or adding emulation information), or submission updates.1

The purpose of defining a standard format for the archival information package is to pave the way for simplified repository migration. Given the increasing amount of digital content archives need to safeguard nowadays, changing the repository solution should be based on a standard exchange format. This is to say that a data repository solution provider does not necessarily have to implement this format as the internal storage format, but it should at least allow exporting AIPs. By this way, the costly procedure of exporting data, producing SIPs, and ingesting them again in the new repository can be simplified. Data repository solution providers know what kind of existing data they can expect if they were chosen to replace an existing repository solution. An E-ARK conformant digital archive/archival solution shall be able to immediately analyse and incorporate existing data in form of AIPs without the need of applying data transformation or having to fulfil varying SIP creation requirements.

4. Definitions and remarks

4.1. Version and generation of an AIP

Information packages are permanent: more precisely the information they contain is assumed to be permanent and always describes the same unaltered conceptual entity. Nevertheless, the way in which this information is represented may change.

For the purposes of the AIP format specification, the concept AIP version is used as defined by OAIS:

“AIP Version: An AIP whose Content Information or Preservation Description Information has undergone a Transformation on a source AIP and is a candidate to replace the source AIP. An AIP version is considered to be the result of a Digital Migration. [@OAIS2012, p. 1-9]”

A new version of an AIP can contain one or more new representations which can be either the result of a digital migration or information that enables the creation of an emulation environment to render a representation. Or representation could be removed from the AIP. In both cases the result is the creation of a new version of the AIP. Also changing metadata related to the logical AIP as a whole may lead to a new AIP version. The logical AIP represents the same intellectual entity in all these cases.

Definition: An AIP version is a new form of the logical AIP for which either the metadata of the logical AIP or the representation information was changed, i.e. one or more representations have been modified or removed or were added.

If the logical AIP is changed, the physical representation of the information in a container may change as well.

Definition: A generation is a manifestation of a logical AIP in form of one ore several physical container files.

5. AIP format

The AIP format consists of a set of recommendations and requirements regarding the use of structural and preservation metadata which are introduced in the following.

5.1. AIP specific structural metadata (METS)

METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata formalised using the XML Schema Language. The use of METS in the AIP is mandatory and it must comply with the specification rules set by the CSIP. See CSIP for the general use of METS in information packages.

The E-ARK AIP specification may contain one or many representations. Additional representations may be added during the life-cycle of the AIP when preservation actions are applied.

In the following requirements concerning the METS for an E-ARK AIP will be specified.

5.1.1. Node level: mets root

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
AIPM1 Package Identifier
The value of the mets/@OBJID attribute for the AIP MUST NOT change during the life-cycle of the AIP.
The value of the AIP METS profile attribute must be set to https://earkdip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-AIP-v2-2-0.xml .

Example: AIP METS root element example.

<mets OBJID="urn:example:eark.examples.minimal.documents" LABEL="Set of documents" TYPE="Other" csip:OTHERTYPE="type" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="MIXED" PROFILE="https://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-AIP-v2-2-0.xml" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ schemas/mets1_12.xsd http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink schemas/xlink.xsd https://dilcis.eu/XML/METS/CSIPExtensionMETS schemas/DILCISExtensionMETS.xsd https://dilcis.eu/XML/METS/SIPExtensionMETS schemas/DILCISExtensionSIPMETS.xsd">

Note that while it is possible to validate requirement AIPM2 for an individual AIP, requirement AIPM1 refers to different versions of the AIP which could be separate information packages, possibly packaged as different ZIP or TAR archive files.

The specification of a concrete version of the METS profile is especially important for the AIP due to the potentially long retention period.

5.1.2. Node level: metsHdr

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
AIPM3 OAIS Package type information
The CSIP attribute @csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE must have the value “AIP”.

Example: OAIS package type AIP defined in the metsHdr element using the @csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE attribute.

<mets:metsHdr CREATEDATE="2024-04-14T20:00:00" LASTMODDATE="2024-05-04T19:00:00" RECORDSTATUS="NEW" csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE="AIP">
    <mets:note csip:NOTETYPE="SOFTWARE VERSION">

5.1.3. Node level: dmdSec

The AIP may contain different versions of the metadata. Using the attribute dmdSec/@STATUS the current metadata should be indicated.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
AIPM4 Status of the descriptive metadata
The status of the descriptive metadata SHOULD be indicated using a predefined vocabulary. One of the metadata elements in an AIP SHOULD be set to “CURRENT”.

Example: METS example of referencing the descriptive metadata which is described with an EAD document.

<mets:dmdSec ID="uuid-308F4G12-GH43-4779-KJ2C-238F8506848S" CREATED="2024-05-24T10:51:34.602+01:00" STATUS="CURRENT">
  <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="EAD" type="simple" href="metadata/descriptive/ead2002.xml" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="746" CREATED="2024-05-24T10:51:34.602+01:00" CHECKSUM="F24263BF09994749F335E1664DCE0086DB6DCA323FDB6996938BCD28EA9E8153" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256">

5.1.4. Node level: amdSec

Digital provenance metadata is mandatory for the AIP which must be referenced in the amdSec using the digiprovMD element.

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
AIPM5 Digital provenance metadata
Digital provenance metadata must be referenced in the amdSec section using the digiprovMD/mdRef element.
AIPM6 Digital provenance metadata type
At least one of the digital provenance metadata which is referenced in the amdSec section (digiprovMD/mdRef element) should be of type PREMIS.
AIPM7 Digital provenance metadata type version
The digital provenance metadata of type PREMIS should be used in version 3.

Example: METS example of referencing the digital provenance metadata (PREMIS).

  <mets:digiprovMD ID="ID_premis_3" CREATED="2024-04-24T14:47:52.783+01:00" STATUS="CURRENT">
    <mets:mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/PREMIS3.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="5509" CREATED="2024-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="59975F80A4BB5C410D12079111C8F06DDF85AF13BA4A30E072EF028E1BE9518B" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="Digital provenance metadata (PREMIS)">

5.1.5. Compound vs. divided package structure

The ability to manage representations or representation parts separately is required because the digital data submissions can be very large. This is not only relevant for storing the AIP, it also concerns the SIP which might need to be divided before the data is submitted to the repository. In addition, it is important to find and identify AIP segments when creating a DIP which relies on metadata or content of these segments.

In the following, two approaches for defining the structure of the IP will be described with a focus on requirements of the AIP format: the compound structure is represented by one single structural metadata file, and the divided structure has one structural metadata file that references those of individual representations. An example will help to describe the two alternatives.

If the compound METS structure is used, as shown in Figure 3, a single METS file contains all references to metadata and data files contained in the IP.

Information Package structure

Figure 3: One METS file in the root of the package references all metadata and data files

Even though the number suffix of the folders rep-001 and rep-002 of the example shown in Figure 3 suggests an order of representations, there are no requirements regarding the naming of folders containing the representations. The order of representations and the relations between them is defined by the structural and preservation metadata.

If the divided METS structure is used, as shown in Figure 4, then a separate METS file for each representation exists which are referenced by the root METS file. The example shown in Figure 4 has a METS file in the IP’s root which points to the METS files Representations/Rep-001/METS.xml and Representations/Rep-002/METS.xml.

Information Package structure

Figure 4: Root METS file references METS files of the different representations

The reason why this alternative was introduced is that it makes it easier to manage representations independently from each other. This can be desired for very large representations, in terms of file size or the amount of files (making the root METS difficult to work with).

As a corollary of this division method we define, a representation-based division as the separation of representations in different folders under the representations folder as shown in the example of Figure 4. We also define a size-based division as the separation of representation parts. To illustrate this, Figure 5 shows an example where a set of files belongs to the same representation (here named binary) and is referenced in two separate physical containers (here named {C1} and {C2} respectively). A key requirement when using size-based division of a representation is that there must not be any overlap in the structure of the representations, and that each sub-folder path must be unique across the containers where the representation parts together constitute a representation entity. Note that for this reason a numerical suffix is added to the representation METS files, to avoid overwriting representation METS files when automatically merging the divided representation back into one single physical representation.

AIP1: If a representation is divided into parts, the representation component MUST use the same name in the different containers.

AIP2: If a representation is divided into parts, each the sub-paths of items (folders and files) MUST be unique across the different containers. This allows aggregating representation parts without accidentally overwriting folders or files.

Information Package structure

Figure 5: Example of an IP.

For example, let us assume an AIP with two representations, each of which consists of a set of three files. In the first representation all data files are in the Open Document Format (ODT) and in the second one - as a derivative of the first representation - all files are in the Portable Document Format (PDF).

Note that in Figure 4 and Figure 5 there is no folder for descriptive metadata on the representation level. The reason for this is that new representations are added as a new form for persisting and visualising the content. Metadata specific to the representation are usually technical or preservation metadata. Descriptive metadata relate to the intellectual entity and should be maintained on the root level.


5.1.6. Life-cycle of information packages organised in parent-Child relationship

Assuming that a new AIP (e.g. containing an additional representation) needs to be added after parent- and child-AIPs have been stored, the recreation of the whole logical AIP might be inefficient, especially if the AIPs are very large.

For this reason, existing child-AIPs remain unchanged in case a new version of the parent-AIP is created. Only the new version of the parent-AIP has references to all child-AIPs as illustrated in Figure 7. As a consequence, in order to find all siblings of a single child-AIP it is necessary to get the latest version of the parent-AIP which implies the risk that the integrity of the logical AIP is in danger if the latest version of the parent-AIP is lost.

Information Package structure{ width=382px }

Figure 7: New version of a parent-AIP

The result of this process is a sequence of physical containers of child-AIPs plus one additional parent-AIP. The relation of the AIPs is expressed by means of structural metadata in the METS files.

5.1.7. METS identifier

Each AIP root METS document must be assigned a persistent and unique identifier. Possible identifier schemes are amongst others: OCLC Purls2, CNRI Handles3, DOI4. Alternatively, it is possible to use a UUID as a locally unique identifier.5

Using this identifier, the system must be able to retrieve the corresponding package from the repository.

According to the Common Specification, any ID element must start with a prefix (also, the XML ID data type does not permit IDs that start with a number, so a prefix solves this issue).

It is recommended to use an internationally recognized standard identifier for the institution from which the SIP originates as a prefix. This may lead to problems with smaller institutions, which do not have any such internationally recognized standard identifier. We propose in that case, to start the prefix with the internationally recognized standard identifier of the institution, where the AIP is created, augmented by an identifier for the institution from which the SIP originates.

An alternative to this is to use a UUID:


The prefix urn:uuid: would indicate the identifier type. For example, if the package identifier value is "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" this would be the value of the METS root element’s OBJID attribute:


The OBJID attribute of the root METS is the persistent unique identifier of the AIP. Structural map of a divided METS structure

AIP3: When an AIP uses the divided METS structure, i.e. the different representations have their own METS file, the mandatory <structMap> MUST organize those METS files through <mptr> and <fptr> entries, for each representation. The <mptr> node MUST reference the /<representation>/METS.xml and point at the corresponding <file> entry in the <fileSec> using the <fptr> element.

<structMap ID="uuid-1465D250-0A24-4714-9555-5C1211722FB8" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="CSIP structMap">
   <div ID="uuid-638362BC-65D9-4DA7-9457-5156B3965A18" LABEL="uuid-4422c185-5407-4918-83b1-7abfa77de182">
     <div LABEL="representations/images_mig-1">
       <mptr xlink:href="./representations/images_mig-1/METS.xml" xlink:title="Mets file describing representation: images_mig-1 of AIP: urn:uuid:d7ef386d-275b-4a5d-9abf-48de9c390339." LOCTYPE="URL" ID="uuid-c063ebaf-e594-4996-9e2d-37bf91009155"/>
       <fptr FILEID="uuid-fb9c37e7-1c90-4849-a052-1875e67853d5"/>
     <div LABEL="representations/docs_mig-1">
       <mptr xlink:href="./representations/docs_mig-1/METS.xml" xlink:title="Mets file describing representation: docs_mig-1 of AIP: urn:uuid:d7ef386d-275b-4a5d-9abf-48de9c390339." LOCTYPE="URL" ID="uuid-335f9e55-17b2-4cff-b62f-03fd6df4adbf"/>
       <fptr FILEID="uuid-3f2268cd-7da9-4ad8-909b-4f17730dacaf"/>

Listing 1: Structural map referencing METS files of the different representations

5.1.8. Metadata representation of the AIP structure Child AIP references parent AIP

The optional reference to a parent AIP is expressed by a structural map with the LABEL attribute value Parent. Listing 2 shows an example where a UUID is used as the package identifier and the xlink:href attribute has the UUID identifier value of the referenced parent AIP as value. This identifier implicitly references the METS file of the corresponding package. If other locator types, such as URN, URL, PURL, HANDLE, or DOI are used, the LOCTYPE attribute can be set correspondingly.

<structMap ID="uuid-35CB3341-D731-4AC3-9622-DB8901CD6736" TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="parent AIP">
    <div ID="uuid-35CB3341-D731-4AC3-9622-DB8901CD6738" LABEL="AIP parent identifier">
      <mptr xlink:href="urn:uuid:3a487ce5-63cf-4000-9522-7288e208e2bc"
            xlink:title="Referencing the parent AIP of this AIP

Listing 2: Using a structMap to reference the parent AIP Parent AIP references child AIPs

The parent AIP which is referenced by child AIPs must have a structural map listing all child AIPs. Listing 3 shows the structural map of a parent AIP listing four child AIPs.

<structMap TYPE="PHYSICAL" LABEL="child AIPs">
    <div LABEL="child AIPs">
        <div LABEL="child AIP">
            <mptr xlink:href="urn:uuid:cea73348-741d-4594-ab8f-0b9e652c1099"
                  xlink:title="Referencing a child AIP."
        <div LABEL="child AIP">
            <mptr xlink:href="urn:uuid:cea73348-741d-4594-ab8f-0b9e652c1099"
                  xlink:title="Referencing a child AIP."
        <div LABEL="child AIP">
            <mptr xlink:href="urn:uuid:3218729b-c93c-4daa-ad3c-acb92ab59cee"
                  xlink:title="Referencing a child AIP."
        <div LABEL="child AIP">
            <mptr xlink:href="urn:uuid:cea73348-741d-4594-ab8f-0b9e652c1099"
                  xlink:title="Referencing a child AIP."

Listing 3: Using a structMap to reference the parent AIP

5.2. AIP preservation metadata

As already mentioned, PREMIS [@premis3.0-2017] is used to describe technical metadata of digital objects, rights metadata to define the rights status in relation to specific agents or for specific objects, and to record events that are relevant regarding the digital provenance of digital objects.

Regarding general use of PREMIS, there is the E-ARK Content Information Type Specification for Preservation Metadata using PREMIS 6

In the following, only the PREMIS elements which are relevant for the AIP format are described. NOTE: in the listings showing PREMIS code parts, the prefix “premis” is omitted (default namespace is the PREMIS namespace7) while the “mets” prefix is explicitly added if a relation to the METS file is explained.

5.2.1. PREMIS object

The PREMIS object contains technical information about a digital object. File format

AIP7: The format element COULD be provided either using the formatRegistry or the formatDesignation element sub-elements, or both.

AIP8: Regarding the formatRegistry, the Persistent Unique Identifier (PUID)8 based on the PRONOM technical registry9 COULD be used.

An example is shown in Listing 6.


Listing 6: Optionally, the format version can be provided using the formatDesignation element. Storage

AIP11: The storage element COULD hold contain information about the physical location of the digital object.

Ideally this is a resolvable URI, but it can also generally hold information needed to retrieve the digital object from the storage system (e.g. access control or for segmented AIPs).

An example is shown in Listing 9.

    <storageMedium>hard disk HD2253</storageMedium>

Listing 9: Storage description Relationship

AIP12: The relationship element SHOULD be used to describe relationships of the digital object.

AIP13: If an AIP is part of another AIP, then the element relationshipSubType MUST reference the super-ordinate AIP.

An example of the latter case is shown in Listing 10.

    <relationshipSubType>is included in</relationshipSubType>

Listing 10: Relationship

5.2.2. PREMIS event Event identifier

AIP15: The eventIdentifier SHOULD be used to identify events, such as preservation actions, which were applied. An example is shown in Listing 12.

	<eventIdentifierValue>PDF to PDF/A</eventIdentifierValue>

Listing 12: Event identifier

AIP16: If an event is described, the agent which caused the event (e.g. person, software, hardware, etc.) MUST be related to the event by means of the linkingAgentIdentifier element.

In the example shown in listing 20 the SIP to AIP conversion software is linked as agent with identifier value ’Sip2Aip’ and the corresponding object is linked by the local UUID value. An example is shown in Listing 13.


Listing 13: Link to agent/object Migration event type

AIP17: The event by which a resource was created SHOULD to be recorded by means of the relatedEventIdentification element.

An example is shown in Listing 14.


Listing 14: Migration event

The event shown in Listing 15 expresses the fact that the object metadata/file.xml is the result of the migration event “migration-001” and the event which created the source object is “ingest-001”.

5.2.3. PREMIS agent

AIP18: Agents which are referenced in events must be described by means of the agent element.

Listing 15 shows a software for indexing named IndexingSoftware which supports full text search of the items contained in a package. In this case, the “discovery right” is assigned to this agent.


Listing 15: Software as an agent

5.3. Physical Container Packaging

This part of the AIP format specification gives recommendations regarding the creation of the physical packaging of the logical AIP into either one or multiple transferable and storable entities.

5.3.1. Naming of the AIP archive file

According to the requirement defined in section 5.3.1 (“METS identifier”), every AIP bears an identifier which must be recorded in the root METS file of the AIP. By definition, this identifier is the identifier of the AIP itself.

AIP20:: The identifier of the AIP – defined by the attribute OBJID of the root METS file’s root element SHOULD be used to derive the beginning part of the file name of the physical storage container.

The file name part which is derived from the AIP’s identifier is called the AIP file name ID.

AIP21: A specified policy SHOULD be defined which allows deriving a cross-platform, portable file name part from the AIP’s identifier and, vice versa, to infer the identifier from the physical container’s filename.

A first option to implement this requirement would be to limit the characters used in the file name to the “Portable Filename Character Set”10 which only allows the following character set for saving files:

If the identifier of the AIP had characters which do not fall into this character set, then these would need to be mapped into specific ones of the accepted character set.

One proposed way to achieve a bi-directional mapping between identifiers and file names is the pairtree character mapping specification.11

AIP22: The file name of the physical container file SHOULD start with a unique name of the AIP which is equal for to all versions and parts that belong to the same logical AIP.

For example, let us assume the identifier of the AIP was:


Then this identifier string would be converted to the folder name because “: -> +” is defined as a single-character to single-character conversion:


The packaged entity should also bear this name, e.g. packaged using TAR the name would be:


In this example, the AIP’s physical container file name only consists of the AIP file name ID.

5.3.2. Packaging

Recommended formats for packaging AIPs are TAR and ZIP which are both widely used archive formats.

For both formats there are software utilities that can be used to bundle up files into one file for being able to transfer archival packages.

AIP27: The package content MUST be contained in a single folder.

This means that if the packaged AIP is unpackaged, the content MUST be extracted into a single folder which contains the individuals files and folders.

As an example, let’s assume a TAR file with the following name:


If it is extracted, a folder urn+uuid+123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 with the actual AIP content is created.

AIP28: If TAR is used as the packaging format, the content SHOULD be aggregated without using compression.

For example, to create a TAR archive without compression for the AIP folder "urn+uuid+123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" using the tar utility:

tar -cf "urn+uuid+123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000.tar" "urn+uuid+123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" OCFL

The Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) specification12 allows describing the storage structure of an AIP’s physical container files.

It is an optional extension which can be used in addition to the packaging and file naming recommendations.

The purpose of the OCFL recommendation is to:

Listing 18 gives an example of an AIP (version 0) using OCFL. It is based on the OCFL Draft 202113 and the BagIt standard file system layout for storage and transfer as defined by RFC849314.

|- 0=ocfl_object_1.0
|- inventory.json
|- inventory.json.sha512
|- v0
    |- content
    |- urn+uuid+1017cc9b-eaed-4064-947e-a07c752d3760
      |- bag-info.txt
      |- bagit.txt
      |- data
      |   |- metadata
      |   |   |- descriptive
      |   |   |   |- ead.xml
      |   |   |   |- metadata.json
      |   |   |- preservation
      |   |       |- premis.xml
      |   |- METS.xml
      |   |- representations
      |       |- 9799fdd1-57b5-48e3-ba53-2705cc874a00
      |       |- data
      |       |   |- example.pdf
      |       |- metadata
      |       |   |- preservation
      |       |       |- premis.xml
      |       |- METS.xml
      |- manifest-sha256.txt
      |- manifest-sha512.txt
      |- tagmanifest-sha256.txt
      |- tagmanifest-sha512.txt

Listing 18: OCFL file listing of an AIP (unpackaged container file)

Note that the OCFL Object includes all versions – v0, v1, … - of the AIP and that one bagit container or several bagit containers (segmentation!) are managed as one OCFL object (See in OCFL 5.4 BagIt in an OCFL Object15). This is especially relevant for non-redundant storing of AIPs (the concept of a “differential AIP”) and for package segmentation.

Also note that the exmaple in Listing 19 is the “unpackaged” version where the bagit container itself is not packaged.

The packaged version

|- 0=ocfl_object_1.0
|- inventory.json
|- inventory.json.sha512
|- v0
    |- content
      |- urn+uuid+1017cc9b-eaed-4064-947e-a07c752d3760.tar

Listing 19: OCFL file listing of an AIP (packaged container file)

Note that serialization has been removed from the BagIt specification after version 14 (from 2017, current version is 17) to narrow the scope of the specification. In BagIt Version 14 Section serialization was still included which defined the following requirements:

The content of the OCFL object file 0=ocfl_object_1.0 in the listing is shown in Listing 20.


Listing 20: OCFL file listing of an AIP (packaged container file)

And an example for the content of the inventory.json is is shown in Listing 21.

    "digestAlgorithm": "sha512",
    "fixity": {
        "md5": {
            "e5ad509db4ddb4cef0de4c1c19c7988b": [
        "sha256": {
            "68a5b60ddef62758389f6894a1e7df28c1d228a5d56d2eec3ce2f74e80c27910": [
    "head": "v0",
    "id": "urn:uuid:1017cc9b-eaed-4064-947e-a07c752d3760",
    "manifest": {
        "24db03a2a7d9c7e2e7ea533e2ac84b7274f937eaff31e95f508cd9c5418a902adf5c18d2f67fa80aa25b7d72ce829951e79ea66210959c86aab33b5ef0c8b8bc": [
    "type": "https://ocfl.io/1.0/spec/#inventory",
    "versions": {
        "v0": {
            "created": "2021-03-27T18:49:22Z",
            "message": "Original SIP",
            "state": {
                "24db03a2a7d9c7e2e7ea533e2ac84b7274f937eaff31e95f508cd9c5418a902adf5c18d2f67fa80aa25b7d72ce829951e79ea66210959c86aab33b5ef0c8b8bc": [

Listing 21: OCFL file listing of an AIP (packaged container file)

At the time of finalizing this specification, the OCFL standard does not support the listing of packaged container files in the inventory file. This would allow using the inventory to document the actual content of physical container files and may follow in a future version of the AIP specification.

6. Appendices

6.1. Appendix A: METS Examples

6.1.1. METS referencing representation METS files

  <fileGrp USE="Common Specification root" ID="uuid-0d4f09a8-0734-49fb-9bea-dbf6a3f5a444">
    <file MIMETYPE="application/xml" USE="Datafile" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" CREATED="2016-12-14T09:15:24" CHECKSUM="8d3f057ac0e45ef173f9ecbfc432b994415c405259aff694632925faf108f541" ID="uuid-3af3e474-991a-4aad-b453-ed3f91d54280" SIZE="2855">
      <FLocat xlink:href="./representations/images_mig-1/METS.xml" xlink:type="simple" LOCTYPE="URL"/>
    <file MIMETYPE="application/xml" USE="Datafile" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" CREATED="2016-12-14T09:15:24" CHECKSUM="81e028df7468ea611b0714148cb607ec74fe1e7914bd762605f38631d21281e9" ID="uuid-e1df6f8b-8cc0-442d-bc45-e61724c63372" SIZE="2873">
      <FLocat xlink:href="./representations/docs_mig-1/METS.xml" xlink:type="simple" LOCTYPE="URL"/>
<structMap TYPE="physical" LABEL="CSIP structMap">
  <div LABEL="urn:uuid:7ff70669-73a0-4551-ad5b-12ed9b229e38">
    <div LABEL="submission">
      <!-- removed to improve readability -->
    <div LABEL="metadata">
      <!-- removed to improve readability -->
    <div LABEL="schemas">
      <!-- removed to improve readability -->
    <div LABEL="representations"/>
    <div LABEL="representations/images_mig-1">
      <mptr xlink:href="./representations/images_mig-1/METS.xml" xlink:title="Mets file describing representation: images_mig-1 of AIP: urn:uuid:7ff70669-73a0-4551-ad5b-12ed9b229e38." LOCTYPE="URL" ID="uuid-0799bb22-b3b1-4661-b32d-5c2dae0341f9"/>
      <fptr FILEID="uuid-3af3e474-991a-4aad-b453-ed3f91d54280"/>
    <div LABEL="representations/docs_mig-1">
      <mptr xlink:href="./representations/docs_mig-1/METS.xml" xlink:title="Mets file describing representation: docs_mig-1 of AIP: urn:uuid:7ff70669-73a0-4551-ad5b-12ed9b229e38." LOCTYPE="URL" ID="uuid-cc2c70c5-9712-4697-834c-5d5acad47f49"/>
      <fptr FILEID="uuid-e1df6f8b-8cc0-442d-bc45-e61724c63372"/>

6.1.2. METS describing a representation

<mets xmlns:ext="ExtensionMETS" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" PROFILE="http://www.ra.ee/METS/v01/IP.xml" TYPE="AIP" OBJID="urn:uuid:docs_mig-1" LABEL="METS file describing the AIP matching the OBJID." xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ ../../schemas/mets_1_11.xsd http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink ../../schemas/xlink.xsd">
  <metsHdr RECORDSTATUS="NEW" CREATEDATE="2016-12-14T09:15:24">
      <name>E-ARK earkweb</name>
  <amdSec ID="uuid-facb861c-5f25-43f7-a1a4-86dfa345a119">
    <digiprovMD ID="uuid-c4113098-6eb5-43f5-9618-6f33ef442400">
      <mdRef MIMETYPE="application/xml" xlink:href="./metadata/preservation/premis.xml" LOCTYPE="URL" CREATED="2016-12-14T09:15:24" CHECKSUM="d9e3bdc2c2e1d1a07cd88585dfddad62cdf40ca060e09456efc68bd2dc88e3a9" xlink:type="simple" ID="uuid-2c990270-d140-4d92-8bca-629e21926535" MDTYPE="PREMIS" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256"/>
    <fileGrp USE="Common Specification representation urn:uuid:docs_mig-1" ID="uuid-cee0bbc3-ac88-4f21-834e-2c06104141ac">
      <file MIMETYPE="application/pdf" USE="Datafile" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" CREATED="2016-12-14T09:15:05" CHECKSUM="d50fe727b6bed7b04569671a46d4d8a56b93c295afb69703b14c0544286ff86c" ID="uuid-cf9818bb-567b-44ee-88d8-60a1420feae3" SIZE="2530049">
        <FLocat xlink:href="./data/Suleiman the Magnificent.pdf" xlink:type="simple" LOCTYPE="URL"/>
      <file MIMETYPE="application/pdf" USE="Datafile" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" CREATED="2016-12-14T09:15:12" CHECKSUM="3824fb493235e94bcca3baf33c93a9e4f62d4af387ce055560f01c274ef63da9" ID="uuid-3b0e4dcb-727a-44d1-af24-d35676b02bed" SIZE="7603618">
        <FLocat xlink:href="./data/Charlemagne.pdf" xlink:type="simple" LOCTYPE="URL"/>
  <structMap TYPE="physical" LABEL="CSIP structMap">
    <div LABEL="docs_mig-1">
      <div LABEL="metadata">
        <fptr FILEID="uuid-2c990270-d140-4d92-8bca-629e21926535"/>
      <div LABEL="data">
        <fptr FILEID="uuid-cf9818bb-567b-44ee-88d8-60a1420feae3"/>
        <fptr FILEID="uuid-3b0e4dcb-727a-44d1-af24-d35676b02bed"/>
  <structMap TYPE="logical" LABEL="Simple AIP structuring">
    <div LABEL="Package structure">
      <div LABEL="metadata files">
        <fptr FILEID="uuid-2c990270-d140-4d92-8bca-629e21926535"/>
      <div LABEL="schema files"/>
      <div LABEL="content files">
        <fptr FILEID="uuid-cf9818bb-567b-44ee-88d8-60a1420feae3"/>
        <fptr FILEID="uuid-3b0e4dcb-727a-44d1-af24-d35676b02bed"/>

6.1.3. PREMIS.xml describing events on package level

<premis xmlns="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2 ../../schemas/premis-v2-2.xsd">
  <object xmlID="uuid-187f239d-c080-4a7f-936d-b35cec4e8ef7" xsi:type="representation">
    <eventType>SIP Delivery Validation</eventType>
      <linkingAgentIdentifierValue>E-ARK Web 0.9.4 (task: SIPDeliveryValidation)</linkingAgentIdentifierValue>
      <agentIdentifierValue>E-ARK Web 0.9.4</agentIdentifierValue>
    <agentName>E-ARK Web</agentName>

6.1.4. PREMIS.xml describing migration events (representation level)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<premis xmlns="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2 ../../schemas/premis-v2-2.xsd">
  <object xsi:type="representation" xmlID="IDd61654d8-44dd-4dee-872c-89cf1ad240bf">
  <object xsi:type="file" xmlID="ID9f65a8bd-5128-4830-a28b-0acb4455e128">
      <relationshipSubType>has source</relationshipSubType>
      <linkingAgentIdentifierValue>GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)</linkingAgentIdentifierValue>
      <agentIdentifierValue>Premis Generator</agentIdentifierValue>
    <agentName>Premis Generator</agentName>
      <agentIdentifierValue>GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)
    <agentName>GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)

6.2. Appendix B: E-ARK Information Package METS Example

6.2.1. Example 1: Example of a whole METS document describing an archival information package (database example).

<mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance schemas/XMLSchema.xsd http://www.loc.gov/METS/ schemas/mets.xsd    http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink schemas/xlink.xsd    https://DILCIS.eu/XML/METS/CSIPExtensionMETS schemas/CSIPExtensionMETS.xsd" OBJID="eark.examples.database.siard.northwind" TYPE="Databases" csip:CONTENTINFORMATIONTYPE="SIARD2" PROFILE="https://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-CSIP.xml" csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE="AIP">
      E-ARK Corpus Team
<mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="OTHER" MDTYPEVERSION="1007" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/descriptive/archiveIndex.xml" SIZE="2381" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00" CHECKSUM="4E17DBF6DAA8865750D514C3FDEE656AEB823C0DC396B72D0B6AE17419549005" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" MIMETYPE="text/xml">
<mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" MDTYPE="OTHER" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/descriptive/submission_agreement.xml" SIZE="1376" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:49.609+01:00" CHECKSUM="1EDFDB31868D918BC17B2A12A6C0F64D" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" MIMETYPE="text/xml">
<digiprovMD ID="ID_premis2.xml" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:47:52.783+01:00" STATUS="CURRENT">
<mdRef LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="metadata/preservation/PREMIS3.xml" MDTYPE="PREMIS" MDTYPEVERSION="3.0" MIMETYPE="text/xml" SIZE="5509" CREATED="2018-04-24T14:37:52.783+01:00" CHECKSUM="59975F80A4BB5C410D12079111C8F06DDF85AF13BA4A30E072EF028E1BE9518B" CHECKSUMTYPE="SHA-256" LABEL="premis2.xml">
<fileGrp USE="Schemas" ID="ID_schemas">
<file ID="ID_mets_xsd" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="133920" CREATED="2018-05-01T14:20:00" CHECKSUM="4e9961dec3de72081e6142b28a437fb8" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5">
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="schemas/mets.xsd">
<file ID="ID_XMLSchema_xsd" MIMETYPE="application/xml" CREATED="2015-12-14T14:20:00" CHECKSUM="94ed1a93ce3147d01bcb2fc1126255ed" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" SIZE="87677">
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="schemas/XMLSchema.xsd" xlink:type="simple">
<file ID="ID_xlink_xsd" MIMETYPE="application/xml" CREATED="2015-12-14T14:20:00" CHECKSUM="90c7527e6d4d3c3a6247ceb94b46bcf5" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" SIZE="8322">
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="schemas/xlink.xsd" xlink:type="simple">
<file ID="ID_CSIPExtensionMETS.xsd" MIMETYPE="application/xml" CREATED="2018-12-14T14:20:00" CHECKSUM="1a31b3aa3ae1e9b99e7a8b4618f3b485" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" SIZE="1673">
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="schemas/CSIPExtensionMETS.xsd" xlink:type="simple">
<fileGrp USE="Documentation" ID="ID_AVID_documentation">
<file ID="ID_IP_er_diagramme" USE="documentation" MIMETYPE="PNG" CREATED="2015-12-14T14:20:00" CHECKSUM="005a46043be036835027b474dba863b5" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" SIZE="86453">
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="documentation/Northwind_ER_diagram.png" xlink:type="simple">
<file ID="ID_IP_18006_SIARD2_1Rep_externallobs_METS.xml" USE="OTHER" MIMETYPE="application/xml" CREATED="2015-12-14T14:20:00" CHECKSUM="90c7527e6d4d3c3a6247ceb94b46bcf5" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5" SIZE="8322">
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="representations/rep1/METS.xml" xlink:type="simple">
<div ID="ID_struct-map-example-div" LABEL="csip-mets-example">
<div ID="ID_struct-map-metadata-div" LABEL="Metadata" ADMID="ID_premis2.xml" DMDID="ID_archiveIndex.xml ID_submission_agreement.xml">
<div ID="ID_struct-map-schema-div" LABEL="Schemas">
<fptr FILEID="ID_schemas">
<div ID="ID_struct-map-documentation-div" LABEL="Documentation">
<fptr FILEID="ID_AVID_documentation">
<div ID="ID_struct-map-reps-ing-div" LABEL="Representations">
<mptr LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="representations/rep1/METS.xml" xlink:title="ID_Rep1">

6.3. Appendix C: External Schema

6.3.1. E-ARK SIP METS Extension

Location: http://earksip.dilcis.eu/schema/DILCISExtensionSIPMETS.xsd

Context: XML-schema for the attributes added by SIP and reused in the AIP

Note: An extension schema with the added attributes for use in this profile. The schema is used with a namespace prefix of sip.

6.4. Appendix D: External Vocabularies

6.4.1. OAIS Package type

Maintained By: DILCIS Board

Location: http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyOAISPackageType.xml

Context: Values for @csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE

Note: Describes the OAIS type the package belongs to in the OAIS reference model.

6.4.2. dmdSec status

Maintained By: DILCIS Board

Location: http://earkcsip.dilcis.eu/schema/CSIPVocabularyStatus.xml

Context: Values for dmdSec/@STATUS

Note: Describes the status of the descriptive metadata section (dmdSec) which is supported by the profile.

6.5. Appendix E: E-ARK SIP Metadata Requirements

6.5.1. E-ARK AIP METS Profile Requirements

ID Name, Location & Description Card & Level
AIPM1 Package Identifier
The value of the mets/@OBJID attribute for the AIP MUST NOT change during the life-cycle of the AIP.
The value of the AIP METS profile attribute must be set to https://earkdip.dilcis.eu/profile/E-ARK-AIP-v2-2-0.xml .
AIPM3 OAIS Package type information
The CSIP attribute @csip:OAISPACKAGETYPE must have the value “AIP”.
AIPM4 Status of the descriptive metadata
The status of the descriptive metadata SHOULD be indicated using a predefined vocabulary. One of the metadata elements in an AIP SHOULD be set to “CURRENT”.
AIPM5 Digital provenance metadata
Digital provenance metadata must be referenced in the amdSec section using the digiprovMD/mdRef element.
AIPM6 Digital provenance metadata type
At least one of the digital provenance metadata which is referenced in the amdSec section (digiprovMD/mdRef element) should be of type PREMIS.
AIPM7 Digital provenance metadata type version
The digital provenance metadata of type PREMIS should be used in version 3.


I. Authors

Name Organisation
Karin Bredenberg National Archives of Sweden
Luis Faria Keep Solutions
Miguel Ferreira Keep Solutions
Anders Bo Nielsen Danish National Archives
Jan Rörden Austrian Institute of Technology
Sven Schlarb Austrian Institute of Technology
Carl Wilson Open Preservation Foundation

II. Revision History

Revision No. Date Authors(s) Description
0.1 20.09.2016 Sven Schlarb
Jan Rörden
First draft based on E-ARK deliverable D4.3.
0.2 15.10.2016 Miguel Ferreira
Luis Faria
Comments, Contribution
0.9 20.12.2016 Sven Schlarb Provided for internal review (E-ARK deliverable D4.4)
0.9.1 06.01.2017 Andrew Wilson Comments and language review
0.9.2 13.01.2017 Kuldar Aas Comments
1.0 27.01.2017 Sven Schlarb
Jan Rörden
Address review comments and language; final changes.
2.0-DRAFT 12.12.2018 Sven Schlarb
Carl Wilson
Migration to markdown, review
2.0.0 15.05.2019 Carl Wilson
Sven Schlarb
Version 2.0.0
2.0.1 09.09.2019 Carl Wilson Site structure and PDF layout
2.0.4 12.06.2020 K. Bredenberg, C.Wilson & J. Kaminski Preface text and output display update
2.1.0 15.10.2021 Sven Schlarb Re-written to reflect the proposals presented in the White Paper published in Summer 2021.

III Acknowledgements

The E-ARK Archival Information Package (DIP) Specification was first developed within the E-ARK project in 2014 – 2017. E-ARK was an EC-funded pilot action project in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme 2007- 2013, Grant Agreement no. 620998 under the Policy Support Programme.

The authors of this specification would like to thank all national archives, tool developers and other stakeholders who provided valuable knowledge about their requirements for information packages and feedback to this and previous versions of the specification.

IV Contact & Feedback

The E-ARK AIP specification is maintained by the Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standard Board (DILCIS Board). For further information about the DILCIS Board or feedback on the current document please consult the website http://www.dilcis.eu/ or https://github.com/dilcisboard or contact us at info@dilcis.eu.


  1. A submission update is a re-submission of an SIP at a later point in time related to an AIP which contains a previous version of this SIP. Section 5.2.1 explains this concept more in detail. 

  2. http://purl.org/docs/index.html 

  3. http://www.handle.net 

  4. https://www.doi.org 

  5. Universally Unique Identifier according to RFC 4122, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122.html 

  6. https://citspremis.dilcis.eu/specification/CITS_Preservation_metadata_v1.0.pdf 

  7. Namespace: http://www.loc.gov/premis/v3, namespace schema location: http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/premis.xsd 

  8. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/aboutapps/pronom/puid.htm 

  9. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/PRONOM 

  10. http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_282 

  11. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-pairtree-01 (see section 3: “Identifier string cleaning”) 

  12. https://ocfl.io 

  13. https://ocfl.io/draft/spec/ 

  14. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-kunze-bagit-17 

  15. https://ocfl.io/draft/spec/#example-bagit-in-ocfl